Tracie is almost 30 weeks pregnant with a little girl. Due to complications she has been on bed rest for most of that time. She and Rob are thrilled that the baby is in great health, kicking and twirling around. 32 weeks was the initial goal - just two more weeks, and anything past that is a miracle on top of miracles!
Last Saturday she felt good enough to enjoy the company of friends and family at a baby shower given by Whitney, Michelle and Vicki.
She received so many beautiful gifts, but the biggest surprise was from Rob. He arranged for the arrival of her two best friends from Indiana - Karen Saturday and Eve White.
Rob also found a cool place to get gourmet cheeses with procuitto and freshly made crackers. He accomplished all this stuff while having a badly injured shoulder and taking care of Carter while Tracie has been stuck in bed. Good job!
Just want to mention that Rob is scheduled to have surgery to repair his shoulder this week. He's been through the wringer this last year too, first his knee, now the shoulder. We hope this will be his very last major injury.
The happy time caused Baby Girl to get a little too excited, giving Tracie some serious contractions, so they finished out the afternoon in bed. Thanks to everyone for making it such a nice day for Tracie.
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