David went to his STEPS party as a SWAT team policeman. Ladies love a man in uniform!
Tracie was a pro boxer who "got knocked up", and she magically transformed me into Snow White.
Rusty was an Alien, doing a great job creating a costume at the last minute.
Rob was decked out in full Mozart regalia in honor of his all time favorite movie - "Amadaeus". Carter, in yellow, was the cutest of the mighty Transformers - Bumblebee - that boys LOVES costumes any time of the year.
Meanwhile, in their own neighborhoods, Michelle and Travis took Peter out for the first time as a little tiger, er, I mean Tigger! He's got the bouncy part down pat.
Cami was the queen of all the Disney Fairies - Tinkerbell, and Brooke was theh cutest lady pirate to ever said the 7 seas.
Jono and Kristi get the award for Best Laugh Out Loud - In honor of her pregnancy, Jonathan was 'the bun maker' and Kristi had 'the bun in the oven'. Cracked me up!

SO much fun for all involved - I'm inspired by all this creativity around me - next year I want to be Malificent, the green wicked witch from Sleeping Beauty - she's my alter ego on bad days. Or maybe an opera diva - I do like to sing. Or a couch potato - that's what I will look like if I don't get up off my duff instead of spending hours on end on blogs.........
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