On this Friday the 10th there will be 4 simultaneous surgeries, as a GOod Samaritan living donor and I give kidneys to two strangers. I am so excited but so nervous. When I ask David with our yes and no hand signal system, he says the same thing.
Part of the miracle is that he has been very very sick with some respiratory thing for 3 weeks, and suddenly it's cleared up. I haven't heard him cough today at all.
His recouperation will be about a month, with about 1 week in the hospital, and he will need to take 2-3 anti-rejection drugs daily for the rest of his life. (what an improvement over just 10 years ago!)
I'll be in the hospital about 4 days, but my recovery will take about 6 weeks. Other parents who have donated said they didn't get their full strength back for up to 3 months. Our children all live close and will help Rusty care for us, and neighbors and church friends all are planning to help .
For those of you in Georgia, please pass this info onto our old friends - we need all their prayers for David's transplant to be, and stay successful. Love ya, Lisa
We are all so excited for you and David. We pray for a speedy recovery time for both of you. Love, Sue
wow lisa, you are amazing! i hope all went well, i'll be praying for your families!
Please send us all an update on how you and David are doing since the surgery inquirying minds want all the details. We love you both and pray all is well in recovery land.
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