Monday, May 18, 2009

Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes.....

Last night I noticed David had lifted up his arm and was looking at his hand. A little later I saw him taking turns raising each arm, rotating his hands slowly. When he went to bed, he was stretching his arms out backward up over his head.

Then it hit me, the steroid injections worked! His pain/stiffness, etc. had improved so much in 3 days that this movement was possible! Just as an extra test, he even let me rub his neck and shoulders some at the joint. How grateful I am that this was possible, for a great doctor, and insurance.


Sue said...

Well, that certainly is a welcomed change for David (and you). Hurrah for medicine that makes life bearable.
Love and Kisses, Sue

JP2E said...

HIDE THE CAR KEYS!!! Feeling that good he may want to take off on his own for a road trip.LOL
Glad our man has found some comfort after all of his (and your) trials...

Lisa Lee said...

can you imagine what kind of driver he would be? He always loved being wheeled around crazy-like - I'm sure we'd see a speed demon!