Friday, February 27, 2009

Birthday Buddies

Last week Danielle planned a TOTAL SURPRISE bday party for me, and this great looking bunch of women showed up. They are just as beautiful on the inside too.

This is a tribute to them, and the rest of my book club friends. There have been so many times this last two years that you have pulled me out of a pity party, and helped save my sanity. You are so wonderful. They have laughed and cried with me and laughed AT me (like when i was late because I couldn't find my shoes). Sometimes they even think what I say is funny! Gotta love em for that - oh yeah, and putting up with my non stop talking. Thanks to you all.

1 comment:

Sue said...

We are both Birthday Girls WOW! I wish I could have been at your party because I remember how much fun you are! I hope you still strum your guitar and sing because you are a lovely singer. I am blessed to have you for my friend! Hugs and kisses all the way from Atlanta. P.S. We even had snow yesterday and it snowed ALL day - it was beautiful! I know you get to see lots of it but this is rare for us, as you well know.