Sunday, November 16, 2008

He's Got a Name!

I talked to Jonathan tonite - Baby Boy Lee is now officially Spencer Jonathan Lee!
Dad says he's a 'mellow' little guy, and things are still going well. Kristi was able to get some rest today since her mom and dad have had the girls at their house for two nights.
Kristi told me that Spencer still has his schedule turned around a little - during the pregnancy he liked to be active during the night. Last night he was awake from 1am til about 4. Let's hope that changes soon! She also said that he was happy in the rocking chair with Jonathan.
He's also not that interested in eating, sort of a sleepy (or lazy? baby. If he is anything like his daddy, that will change pretty soon. Fun, fun fun.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yea for baby names! I'm so excited to have a new one to hold on Thanksgiving..