Well, we TRIED to take the grandkids to the Lehi Rodeo. The city has a full week of festivities surrounding the Rodeo. They were excited to see the horses and "buckin' bulls". We've taken Cami, Carter and David to a smaller rodeo and had a great time including "Chicken Chasing" - just what it sounds like.
30 minutes into the fun, we were sitting in torrential rain, high winds and lightning bolts. Rusty and I were trying to cover the kids with blankets and sheets of plastic but everyone got drenched. We trooped home, and spent the evening playing Candyland and "jump on Grampa" which is a perinnial favorite.
All was redeemed the next day at the Lehi Parade. There were Firetrucks, Beauty Queens, Marching Bands and Floats throwing candy to the children. They danced and cheered amid running out in the street picking up fist fulls of the loot. Pulling them back to safety was my job while Rusty held David. Brooke had a harder time reaching candy before the big kids, so she was especially excited when she got some herself.
Brooke and Cami got really scared when a Mountain Man shot off a musket close by. When they saw him head our way again they covered their ears and backed up.